Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis

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    Lynda Carpenito’s best-selling, Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis, now in an impressive sixteenth edition, is the ideal quick reference for nursing diagnosis information. This trusted handbook covers the NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses 2021-2023 and offers practical guidance on nursing diagnoses and associated care. The quick-reference type scope of content makes it easy for students to use while in clinical, in the classroom or simulation lab. From goals to specific interventions, Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis focuses on nursing and will assist students in transferring their theoretical knowledge to clinical practice. This is a must-have reference that nursing students will use throughout their curriculum and into their professional career.

    Key Features:

    • Provides an alphabetical reference to nursing diagnoses
    • Organizes all the health promotion/wellness nursing diagnoses for individuals
    • Author's Notes throughout elaborate on the clinical usefulness of the diagnosis discussed
    • Every printed copy includes access to the Navigate Companion Website containing additional rarely used nursing diagnoses not found in the printed book and care plans


    See the numerous updates to this edition!