Security Strategies in Linux Platforms and Applications

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    The third edition of Security Strategies in Linux Platforms and Applications covers every major aspect of security on a Linux system. Using real-world examples and exercises, this useful resource incorporates hands-on activities to walk readers through the fundamentals of security strategies related to the Linux system. Written by an industry expert, this book is divided into three natural parts to illustrate key concepts in the field. It opens with a discussion of the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities associated with Linux as an operating system using current examples and cases. Part 2 discusses how to take advantage of the layers of security available to Linux--user and group options, filesystems, and security options for important services. The book closes with a look at the use of open source and proprietary tools when building a layered security strategy for Linux operating system environments.

    Key Features:

    • Mapped to Linux+ that spans Linux Essentials and Linux Security.
    • Accounts for the latest Linux distributions and kernels, including end-of-life for CentOS.
    • Covers new Linux-based technologies and security strategies.
    • Discusses the Microsoft acquisition of Red Hat and the rise of commercialized Open Source.
    • Coverage of virtualization, including coverage of Docker and other sandboxing technologies like Firejai.
    • Instructor resources include an Instructor Guide, PowerPoint slides, a test guide, sample syllabi, Time on Task documentation, and a content map.