Kotch's Maternal and Child Health

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    Offering the keen insight and expertise of a new author team and new contributors, the fourth edition of Kotch's Maternal and Child Health: Programs, Problems, and Policy in Public Health continues to offer a comprehensive, trusted introduction to the field of maternal and child health (MCH), while addressing the traditional MCH topics in a modern context that includes race/ethnicity, an expanded family focus, and a broadened approach that will appeal to health professionals both in and outside of public health practice.

    Key Features:

    • New chapters on:
      • Rights, Justice and Equity
      • Environmental Health
      • Child and Mental Health
      • Medicaid and CHIP Coverage for Women and Children
      • Leadership in Maternal and Child Health
    • Expanded focus that goes beyond maternal and child health to include father, partner, and family health
    • New and updated graphs, figures, and tables to clarify concepts
    • Discussion questions and additional resources have been added to each chapter
    • Navigate eBook access (included with each printed text) enabling access online or offline from your computer, tablet, or mobile device


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