Ascend Learning is Committed to Fighting Piracy

What is Piracy?
Piracy is the unauthorized and illegal reproduction, distribution, or use of copyrighted content. Piracy is typically found in two formats: a counterfeit print textbook or digital files posted illegally online.

Why is stopping piracy important?
When illegal material is available, either in digital or print format, it affects a variety of individuals from being fairly compensated for their hard work. Counterfeit materials can also be dangerous for students, as no guarantee comes with pirated material, and it may be incomplete or inaccurate. Piracy drives up the cost for students and consumers of our products. By identifying piracy and reporting it properly, we can work together to mitigate the effects it causes, and allow our products to remain affordable.

Reporting Piracy
Join in the battle against piracy by reporting it. We take every case of reported piracy seriously, and investigate each case thoroughly. The information you supply by reporting piracy is crucial in helping us identify the unauthorized and illegal reproduction, distribution, or use of our copyrighted content.

Piracy FAQ

Q: What do I do if I suspect I have purchased a counterfeit Jones & Bartlett Learning, Public Safety Group, or CDX Learning Systems product?
A: Please report the potential piracy using this online form.

Q: How would I know if I have purchased a counterfeit copy of a product?
A: Often, counterfeit books are odd sizes, with text that is adjusted close to the margins, printed on inferior paper, or contains heavy ink coverage. When in doubt, please report any suspicious product using this online form.

Q: What do I do if I find digital files of a Jones & Bartlett Learning, Public Safety Group, or CDX Learning Systems product posted illegally online?
A: Please report any potential digital piracy using this online form.
